Vibrant Gastro: Leveraging Technology to Help Constipation Patients Live Life to the Fullest

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Who is Vibrant Gastro?

Vibrant Gastro is the pioneer of the Synchronized Activation Method™, a first-in-class drug-free technology that is the driving force behind the Vibrant System. This state-of-the-art system utilizes pre-programmed micro-vibrations to stimulate the colon mechanically, improving natural colonic motility.

Vibrant is indicated for the treatment of adults with chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) who have not experienced relief of their bowel symptoms by using laxative therapies at the recommended dosage for at least 1 month.

The Synchronized Activation Method™ opens the door to future indications for data-driven, personalized treatments that leverage the gut-brain connection via the enteric nervous system (ENS) pathway.

Our Mission

Create drug-free treatments that enable millions of constipation patients to live more enjoyable lives via new products that synchronize and activate the gut-brain connection to provide control over their bodies and predictable symptom relief.

Vibrant has completed the HIPAA Compliance exercise and has implemented all necessary controls and protections for all information collections (January 30, 2022).

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